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Remove Inline Elements

Removing inline elements (such as bold, italic, guilabel, tag) can be done in two ways in Contributor Editor:

  • Inline_Styling_ContributorEditor_small.png Deselect the inline element by selecting it again. An option in use is marked with a gray background.

  • Remove_Format_ContributorEditor_small.png Use Remove format. The following instruction describes how the Remove format option is used.


Do NOT use the Remove format option on text fragments that have a red background. That means that the text is reused in other topics and should not be edited. If you remove the format, it would break the reuse. Instead provide a feedback comment on such a text fragment.

Should you happen to clear the formatting on a reused text fragment, undo the command with Ctrl + Z (PC) or Cmd + Z (Mac).

  1. Select the assignment in the Assignments Panel.

    Paligo dashboard. The Assignments panel is highlighted, showing that the user has been assigned to review, contribute, and translate assignments.

    The Assignment Types control which view opens up.


    For alternative ways to open an assignment, see Different Ways to Open Assignments.

  2. Select the content or position the cursor inside the text where the formatting is to be removed.

  3. Select Remove format in the Contributor Editor Toolbar. Remove_Format_ContributorEditor_small.png

  4. Select Save. Save_ContributorEditor_small.png