When you first log in to Paligo, the Dashboard is shown. It provides you with an overview of your Paligo instance and the assignments you need to work on. The Dashboard contains several panels described below.
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If you have navigated away from the Dashboard, you return to it by selecting the Dashboard tab in the top menu.
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Content Manager is shown in the left sidebar. You will use the Content Manager when creating and organizing your content. The Taxonomy Manager is also in the left sidebar.
The Activity Feed panel shows a history of recent events in your Paligo instance. These include users logging in, creating topics, editing and deleting topics.
For each event (except login), you can choose to display it in the Editor or to locate it in the Content Manager. By clicking the topic's blue highlight, it will be shown in the Resource View.
By default, the Activity Feed shows the five most recent events. Select the down arrow icon at the bottom of the Activity Feed panel to see more.
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Event options: Open in Editor or Locate in Content Manager
Use the blue highlight to show the topic in the Resource View
Show more events with this arrow.
The dashboard has an activity feed where you can see a record of recent events in your Paligo instance.
By default, the activity feed shows all traceable events, the time of each event, and the users involved, but you can filter it to only show user activity and events of interest to you.
By default, all boxes are cleared. This has the same effect as all boxes being checked - no filters are applied. With a mix of selected and deselected checkboxes, only the selected options are shown.
Select Dashboard in the top menu.
Select the filter icon in the Activity Feed section.
Select the column All users:
Check the boxes for the users you want to include in your activity feed.
Clear the boxes for the users to be excluded from your activity feed.
All boxes are clear by default and this has the same effect as all boxes being checked - no filters are applied. But when you have a mix of cleared and checked boxes, the cleared users are not shown in the activity feed, the checked users are shown.
Select the column All events:
Check the boxes for the events you want to include in your activity feed.
Clear the boxes for the events to be excluded from your activity feed.
The events are organized into categories to make it easier to find what you are looking for.
Paligo immediately updates the activity feed to show the selected the content.
To remove the activity feed filters with a single click, select the X to the right of the filtering.
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The Users Online panel shows you which users are currently logged in to your Paligo instance. You can see the profile image for each logged in user and the total number of logged in users is shown in a circle in the top corner.
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In Paligo, you can create assignments for various Assignment Types. An assignment is a request to work on content within a time frame.
The Assignments Panel shows links to your assignments and due dates. Selecting an assignment link will open the Review View, Translation View or Edit View depending on the assignment type.
When the assignment is created an email notification is sent to the assignee containing a link to the assignment. This link also appears in the Assignments panel.
When the assignment is done an email notification is sent to the author with a link to the assignment. This link also appears in the Assignments panel.
Depending on the user type that logs in, the Assignments Panel appears on the:
Left side of the Dashboard for reviewers and contributors. It shows your current assignments. When an assignment is finished it disappears from the Assignments Panel.
Right side of Dashboard for administrators and authors. The assignments are sorted under the tabs: For You, By You and Done, depending on whether it is allocated to you, created by you, or have been completed by the assignees. By default, the Done tab only displays the assignments done within the last month. If the blue arrow (at the bottom of the Assignments Panel) is selected, all finished assignments are shown.
You can follow the progress from the Assignment Panel and the Planner, see Track the Assignment Progress.

To the left - Assignments Panel for assignees. To the right - Assignments Panel for authors.
The assignment link is sent to the assignee as an email notification and is also available in the Assignment Panel. If there is a need to copy an assignment link, you can right-click the assignment and choose Copy Link Address.
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To find out more about assignments, see About Collaboration.
Paligo has a built-in checking in and out system. When you edit a topic, it is checked out automatically, so that other users cannot edit it at the same time. The Checked Out Documents panel gives you a list of documents that are currently checked out.
You can use the Checked Out documents panel to view only the documents you have checked out yourself (My documents) or All documents by all users. You can check in your own documents on an individual basis, or you can select the checkboxes and then use the Check-in button to check in all selected documents at once.
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To find out more about checking in and checking out documents, see Check-in and Check-out.
The Statistics panel on the Dashboard provides an overview of your Paligo instance. It shows the total storage usage, with storage broken down into segments for database, images, files and free (available space).
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On the Professional plan and higher, you can select More statistics to display the Statistics page.
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It gives you valuable information about your progress:
How many topics and images you have.
How many are orphaned (not used anywhere, see Orphan Topics and Images). Making it easy to clean up your repository.
How much reuse you have, and which topics are the most reused / reusable.
How many languages are used.
How many words are used.
Topic reuse and image reuse shows the ratio between the number of unique topics / images you have that are actually used anywhere compared to the number of times these are reused.
Note that while for topic and image reuse, the higher the number the better the reuse. But for text fragments, even a relatively modest percentage can be an indicator of good reuse due to the large number of text fragments any database will have.
You can also display the Statistics page by selecting the Statistics icon in the top-right corner of the Dashboard, below the Search
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Orphan Topics and Images
On some Paligo displays, such as the Statistics Panel, you may see the terms "orphan topic" and "orphan image". These are used to describe topics and images that have been added (manually or as part of an import) to your Paligo instance, but are not used in any topics or publications.
Orphan topics are topics not used as:
Components in other topics, see Insert Component
Topics in Publications
This is true even if the topic is the target of a cross-reference.
Orphan images are images not used in any topics or publications.
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The number of the orphan topics and images is shown in blue and it is a link. If you select the link, Paligo displays a list of all the orphan topics or images. From there, you can manage the orphans:
Individual topics or images can be managed with the dotted menu (...) on its right side.
To delete or remove taxonomies for a selection of the orphan topics or images:
Check the boxes in front of them.
Scroll down to the bottom.
Select the arrow button.
Select one of the options from the menu.