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Edit Content in Edit View

When you display content in the Edit View, you can see one or more topics. The Contributor Editor Toolbar contains a variety of options for adding and editing content.

Suggest View toolbar. It has many options for accessing a wide range of editing features.

To work on the content, it must be in status Work in progress, see View the Status.

If you need to make changes to content in another status, there are three approaches you can take as an author or administrator:

  • Branching the content creates a separate version of the content that you can work on, without affecting any ongoing translation work. You can then translate the branched content separately, afterwards. Recommended

  • Change the Status to Work in progress from the Resource View.

  • Change the status to Work in progress from the Edit View.

    This feature is only available for authors or administrators, see User Types. The Contributor will only be informed that the content is read-only. The assignment creator will have to change the status.



It is not recommended to change status if your content is In translation or In translation review.

At that stage, the translators are working with the previous version of the content, so their work will not include translations for the changes you make.


In Contributor Editor, you can: