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Copy Content from other Applications

You can copy and paste text, tables, and rendered HTML from other applications into the Contributor Editor (Edit View). You cannot copy and paste images, video, or raw code. When you paste into the editor, it will create a valid structure for the content, such as the structure for a table.


The Contributor Editor creates a valid structure, but this is not always the most appropriate structure. For example, the bridgehead element may be used for headings. We recommend that Paligo authors check the content and use the full editor to apply the correct structure.

To learn how to display the Contributor Editor, see Contributor Editor.

When you have displayed the Contributor Editor, use keyboard shortcuts to copy and paste:

  • On Windows, use Ctrl and C to copy and Ctrl and V to insert.

  • On Mac, use Command ⌘ and C and Command ⌘ and V.


Large tables can be difficult to edit in the Contributor editor and also the main editor. We recommend that you redesign them, by breaking them up into a series of smaller tables. This is often possible by re-categorising the information.

A series of shorter tables can be more user-friendly in general too. Long tables can make it difficult for readers to find the information they need, due to the amount of content being presented.