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Publish to Salesforce Knowledge


Discover how to publish your Paligo content to Salesforce Navigational Topics and/or articles.

You can publish a Paligo publication to "push" content from Paligo to Salesforce Knowledge. You cannot publish individual topics.


Before you publish, you have to:

  1. Select the dotted menu (...) for the topic or publication in Content Manager.

  2. Select Publish. Publish_button_small.png


    Paligo displays the Publish document dialog.

  3. Select the HTML output and choose the Salesforce Layout that you want to use for publishing. We recommend that you use a custom Salesforce Nested or Salesforce Knowledge Layout. To learn how to create a custom Layout, see Create a Salesforce Layout.

  4. Use the Salesforce link prefix field to customize any cross-references. You should only use this field if your articles in Salesforce are not located directly in the root of your instance.

    For example, if the URL for your articles is '<name of article>', leave the Salesforce link prefix field empty. Paligo will publish your cross-references correctly by default.

    If the URL for your articles has one or more extra directories between the instance and the article, enter the syntax in the Salesforce link prefix field. For example, if the URL for your articles is '<name of article>, enter /sa/ in the Salesforce link prefix field.

  5. Use the SEO friendly switch to control how Paligo generates URLs for the articles.

    • Set the switch to on (blue) if you want Paligo to generate URLs that are based on the title of the topic. This creates a more meaningful URL that is better for search engines and your readers. For example, if you have a topic with the title "Research Articles", Paligo will generate its URL as "/articles/research-grants-12345". Spaces in the title are replaced by hyphens and the ID of the topic is added to the end to make sure the URL is unique.

      Paligo publishing settings. SEO friendly links switch is set to on. Its background is blue.
    • Set the switch to off (white) if you want Paligo to generate URLs that are based on the UUID of the topic. This create a URL that contains the UUID, such as /articles/UUID-123-1230654.

      Paligo publishing settings. The SEO friendly links switch is set to off. Its background is white.
  6. Use Match articles based on URL to control what action Paligo takes if the mapping between Paligo and Salesforce is lost.

    If you have published your content to Salesforce previously, Paligo keeps a record of which topics match the URLs in Salesforce. We call this “mapping”. If you then switch your Salesforce from Production to Sandbox or Sandbox to Production, the mapping can be lost.

    To prevent the loss of mapping, check the Match articles based on URL box.

    If you leave the box clear (unchecked), Paligo will lose the mapping and create new articles if you switch between Production and Sandbox. In this scenario, the publishing process can fail if the Salesforce instance already contains an article with the URL Paligo is trying to use.

    Salesforce Knowledge publishing settings in Paligo. Close up of the Match articles based on URL setting and checkbox.
  7. Use the Salesforce communities setting to choose the Experience Cloud that will receive the content from Paligo. The Experience Cloud is the site that contains your Salesforce Knowledge articles. You can find out about Experience Clouds in the official Salesforce documentation.


    The Salesforce communities setting is only available if you are publishing with a Salesforce Nested Layout.

  8. Click in the Salesforce Data Categories field and then choose a data category from the list.

    Paligo publishing settings. Salesforce Data Categories setting has a dropdown list showing a hierarchy of Data Categories.

    Data categories are a Salesforce concept and they allow you to classify and control access to articles. You need to set them up in Salesforce Knowledge. When they are in place, Paligo can detect them and will display them as options in the Salesforce Data Categories setting.

    To learn about data categories, see the official Salesforce documentation.


    If you select a "parent" data category, you cannot select any of its "child" data categories. This is because Salesforce does not allow you to associate an article with both a parent category and its child categories.


    When you publish, Paligo will remove any existing relationships between the article and Data Categories. It will then create the new relationships you chose in Paligo's publishing settings.

  9. Select the languages to be published.

    Languages section of Publish document dialog. There are options for each language. English UK and Swedish are selected.


    If no translations are available, only the Source Language will show. If you have multiple languages translated and approved, you can select which ones to include. Paligo will publish each language as a separate output.

    For PDF output you can publish them as one multilingual publication, check the Combine selected languages box.


    If Paligo is going to create new Navigational Topics, you must include the source language of your Salesforce Knowledge instance in the Languages.

    For example, let's say your Salesforce Knowledge instance uses Spanish as its primary language. When you publish from Paligo, you must include Spanish, otherwise Paligo will be unable to create any new Navigational Topics.

  10. Select Edit in the Profiling attributes section to apply Filtering / Profiling (Optional).

    If you do not want to apply a filter, leave the field blank.

    Profiling attributes dialog. Outputformat is set to include HTML.

    Select OK to add your chosen profiling attribute(s).

    Profiling attributes section of Publish document dialog. Shows Outputformat: HTML selected.
  11. Select Edit in the Variables section to apply Variables (Optional).

    If you do not want to apply a variable, leave the field blank.

    Variables dialog showing ACME 100 200 300 as variables and ACME 100 is set.

    Select OK to add the selected variables.

    Variables section of publish document dialog. The ACME 100 200 300 variable set is selected with the ACME 100 variant.
  12. Use the Upload output section to upload a zip file of the content to a repository, see Integrations.

  13. Use the Output filename section to control the filename.

    By default, Paligo will use the filename syntax that is defined in the System Settings.

    Output filename section. There is a Template field that contains the values ID, Title, and Format. In the top-right corner is a preview of the filename that Paligo will generate if the current settings are used.

    To change the information included in the filename, enter your preferred format in the publishing settings. Default is: ID-Title-Format.

    You can use:

    • ID - The ID of the document.

    • Title - The title of the publication or topic that you are publishing.

    • Format - The name of the output format, for example, PDF or HTML5.

    • Edit date - The date that the publication or topic was last edited.

    • Branch label - The text from the branch label for the publication or topic. This only applies if your content has been branched and it has a branch label. For details, see Add or Edit Branch Labels.

    • Unique value - A random string of characters, generated by Paligo, that is added to the filename to make it unique. This can stop the file from being overwritten by later publishes of the same document.


    If you type @ into the field, Paligo displays a list of the available values and you can select from the list. To remove a value, click in it and use the delete key or backspace key to remove all of its characters.


    The filename shown in the top-right corner is a preview of the filename that Paligo will use when you publish.

  14. Set the Optional Parameters (leave unchecked if you do not want these features):

    • Save the output in Paligo - Check the box to save the zip file in the Resource View. Clear the box if you want Paligo only download the published output file in your browser.

      If you save the output in Paligo, you can download the zip file from the Resource Detail Panel for the publication or topic and then download the zip file from the Saved Outputs tab.

    • Email me - Check this box if you want Paligo to send you an email when the publication is ready. This is useful if you have very large publications that can take a longer time to process and publish.

    • Make debug build - Check this box if you want Paligo to include a log file and link report. If there is an issue with your content, Paligo support may ask you to enable this feature so that they can use the log files to investigate.

  15. This step only applies if you are using a Salesforce Nested Layout.

    Select the Preflight tab and use the Salesforce Preflight feature to:

    • Preview the content mapping

    • Choose which topics are published

    • Set the status of topics that are published to Salesforce Knowledge

    • Use Paligo to remotely delete articles and navigation topics that exist in your Salesforce Knowledge instance.

  16. Publish to Salesforce Knowledge.

    You can start the publishing process by selecting Publish document on the Settings tab or Publish on the Preflight tab.

When the publishing is done, go to your Salesforce Knowledge account and check the results. You can set the look and feel of the articles in Salesforce. Typically, this is done by setting up a Create a Salesforce Layout and using CSS to style the content there.


If Salesforce displays an error relating to the article size, and your article is 130 KB or less, it is likely due to size limits that are set in Salesforce. Please refer to Salesforce's documentation for details on how to change the limits.

Paligo can publish topics of up to 130 KB and content is "pushed" into a single field in Salesforce.


It is often easiest to manage articles in the Salesforce Classic mode. You can find the published articles by selecting to view all tabs (the plus sign at the top-right), and then select Article Management.

All tabs section in Salesforce. A callout box highlights the article management option. Another callout box highlights the plus icon in the top-right corner.