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Mapping with a Salesforce Nested Layout


Learn how Paligo matches your content to Salesforce Knowledge Navigational Topics and articles when you publish with the Salesforce Nested Layout.

If your Salesforce Knowledge structure uses "Navigational Topics" as well as articles, make sure you use a Salesforce Nested Layout for publishing. The nested Layout allows Paligo to publish a structure, with navigational topics and articles at different levels. It does this by matching the content in Paligo to the structure in Salesforce Knowledge. We use the term "mapping" for this matching of content.

For example, in the following image (taken from Salesforce Preflight), the "Space Safety" topic is mapped to a navigational topic and the other topics are mapped to articles.



Navigational topics are a Salesforce Knowledge concept. They are used to guide users towards a collection of related articles and in some themes are used as menu options. For more information, see the official Salesforce Knowledge documentation.

Salesforce Preflight) is a great way to see what mapping Paligo will apply before you publish. But to understand why topics are being mapped to navigational topics and articles, you need to be aware of:

When you understand how these work, you will be able to use the Layout settings to change the mapping to suit your requirements.

The Salesforce Nested Layout has two settings that you can use to control the mapping. You need to be aware of these settings, as if set incorrectly, they may produce unwanted mapping.

The settings are:

  • Chunk section depth

    This is the most important setting for the mapping and you can find it in the Layout's TOC and chunking category. It tells Paligo how many levels of your publication structure may be mapped to navigational topics.

    If you have a topic inside the Chunk section depth, it may be mapped to a navigational topic. But this is not guaranteed as other criteria also have to be met, as explained in Rules for Mapping with a Salesforce Nested Layout.

    If you have a topic outside the Chunk section depth, it cannot be mapped to a navigational topic.

  • Create article for the section topic

    You can find this setting in the Layout's Salesforce category. When enabled, it tells Paligo to create an extra article for each navigational topic. This can be useful if you do not want to lose content from topics that are mapped to navigational topics.

If you are unsure why Paligo is mapping a topic to a navigational topic or article, it is likely that it is due to one of these settings or the Rules for Mapping with a Salesforce Nested Layout.

Paligo has rules for mapping content to Salesforce Knowledge. It uses these rules as well as the Layout settings to determine whether content is mapped to a navigational topic, article, or subsection of an article. Also, some content may not be mapped at all, due to not meeting the required criteria.

Here, we explain the rules for each type of component and also the limits that are set by Salesforce Knowledge. For examples that show how the rules affect the mapping, see Examples of Salesforce Nested Layout Mapping.


Use Salesforce Preflight to see a preview of the Paligo-to-Salesforce Knowledge mapping.

Navigational Topic

To be mapped to a navigational topic, a fork has to meet both of these criteria:

  • Inside the Chunk section depth.

  • Has a lower-level "child" fork.


To be mapped to an article, a fork has to meet any of these criteria:

  • Outside the Chunk section depth and has a parent fork that is mapped to a navigational topic.

  • Inside the Chunk section depth but has no child fork.

  • Mapped to a navigational topic and Create article for the section topic is enabled in the Layout.


To be mapped to an article, a fork has to meet any of these criteria:

  • Outside the Chunk section depth and has a parent fork that is mapped to an article.

  • Outside the Chunk section depth and has a parent fork that is mapped to a subsection.

Not Mapped

Paligo will not map any fork that meets all of these criteria:

  • Inside the Chunk section depth.

  • Has no parent fork (the publication does not count as a parent).

  • Has no child fork.

Nesting Levels

There are limits to how many levels of navigational topics you can have in Salesforce Knowledge. These are not set by Paligo.

The maximum limits are:

  • 25 top-level navigational topics

  • 8 levels of navigational topics

  • 10 navigational topics per level

You will need to be aware of these rules if you make changes to the mapping.

The following examples show how changing the Chunk section depth in a Salesforce Nested Layout can affect the mapping:

Each example shows the mapping and also explains how Paligo applies the rules to determine whether a fork is mapped to a Navigational Topic, article, or sub-section of an article.

Example 1. Mapping with Salesforce Nested Layout, Chunk section depth set to 3

Let's look at how Paligo will map a 5-level topic structure to Salesforce Knowledge when the default settings are in place (Chunk section depth is 3, Create article for the section topic is set to Enable).

Publication's hierarchical structure. From top to bottom: Level 1: Acme Building Control publication Level 2: Air Filtering, mapped to navigational topic and article. Level 3: Automatic Air Flow Management, mapped to navigational topic and article Level 4: Program the auto-flow, mapped to article Level 5: Auto-Flow start time, mapped to sub-section Level 6: Auto-flow start (regular schedule) and Auto-flow start (custom schedule) both mapped as sub-sections of their parent sub-section.

Paligo uses the Layout settings and the rules for mapping to decide how each topic is mapped.

  • The publication is level 1

  • "Air Filtering" is at level 2.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Has child forks: Yes ("Automatic Air Flow Management" and "Safety Precautions").

    • Mapped to: Navigational Topic and article.

  • "Automatic Air Flow Management" is at level 3.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Has child forks: Yes ("Program the Auto-Flow").

    • Mapped to: Navigational Topic and article.

  • "Program the Auto-Flow" is at level 4.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Navigational Topic ("Automatic Flow Management")

    • Mapped to: Article.

  • "Auto-Flow Start Time" is at level 5.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Article ("Program the Auto-Flow").

    • Mapped to: Sub-section of parent article.

  • "Auto-Flow Start (Regular Schedule)" and "Auto-Flow Start (Custom Schedule)"

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Sub-section ("Auto-Flow Start Time").

    • Mapped to: Sub-section of parent sub-section.

  • "Safety Precautions" is at level 3.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Navigational Topic ("Air Filtering")

    • Mapped to: Article.

  • "Customer Support" is at level 2.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: No parent (publication is not counted as a parent fork).

    • Has child fork: No.

    • Mapped to: Cannot be mapped as no parent fork and no child fork.

Example 2. Mapping with Salesforce Nested Layout, Chunk section depth set to 2

Let's look at how changing the Chunk section depth to 2 affects the mapping of a publication with 5 levels of content. For this example, we assume the Create article for section topic is set to Enable.

Publication's hierarchical structure. From top to bottom: Level 1: Acme Building Control publication Level 2: Air Filtering, mapped to navigational topic and article. Level 3: Automatic Air Flow Management, mapped to article Level 4: Program the auto-flow, mapped to sub-section Level 5: Auto-Flow start time, mapped to sub-section Level 6: Auto-flow start (regular schedule) and Auto-flow start (custom schedule) both mapped as sub-sections of their parent sub-section.

Paligo uses the Layout settings and the rules for mapping to decide how each topic is mapped.

  • The publication is level 1.

  • "Air Filtering" is at level 2.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Has child forks: Yes ("Automatic Air Flow Management" and "Safety Precautions").

    • Mapped to: Navigational Topic and article.

  • "Automatic Air Flow Management" is at level 3.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Navigational Topic ("Air Filtering").

    • Mapped to: Article.

  • "Program the Auto-Flow" is at level 4.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Article ("Automatic Flow Management").

    • Mapped to: Sub-section of article.

  • "Auto-Flow Start Time" is at level 5.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Sub-section ("Program the Auto-Flow").

    • Mapped to: Sub-section of parent sub-section.

  • "Auto-Flow Start (Regular Schedule)" and "Auto-Flow Start (Custom Schedule)"

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Sub-section ("Auto-Flow Start Time").

    • Mapped to: Sub-section of parent sub-section.

  • "Safety Precautions" is at level 3.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Navigational Topic ("Air Filtering")

    • Mapped to: Article.

  • "Customer Support" is at level 2.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: No parent (publication is not counted as a parent fork).

    • Has child fork: No.

    • Mapped to: Cannot be mapped as no parent fork and no child fork.

Example 3. Mapping with Salesforce Nested Layout, Chunk section depth set to 4

Let's look at how changing the Chunk section depth to 4 affects the mapping of a publication with 5 levels of content. For this example, we assume the Create article for section topic is set to Enable.

Publication's hierarchical structure. From top to bottom: Level 1: Acme Building Control publication Level 2: Air Filtering, mapped to navigational topic and article. Level 3: Automatic Air Flow Management, mapped to navigational topic and article Level 4: Program the auto-flow, mapped to navigational topic and article Level 5: Auto-Flow start time, mapped to article Level 6: Auto-flow start (regular schedule) and Auto-flow start (custom schedule) both mapped as sub-sections of their parent sub-

Paligo uses the Layout settings and the rules for mapping to decide how each topic is mapped.

  • The publication is level 1

  • "Air Filtering" is at level 2.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Has child forks: Yes ("Automatic Air Flow Management" and "Safety Precautions".

    • Mapped to: Navigational Topic and article.

  • "Automatic Air Flow Management" is at level 3.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Has child forks: Yes ("Program the Auto-Flow").

    • Mapped to: Navigational Topic and article.

  • "Program the Auto-Flow" is at level 4.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Has child forks: Yes ("Auto-Flow Start Time").

    • Mapped to: Navigational Topic and article.

  • "Auto-Flow Start Time" is at level 5.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Navigational Topic ("Program the Auto-Flow").

    • Mapped to: Article.

  • "Auto-Flow Start (Regular Schedule)" and "Auto-Flow Start (Custom Schedule)"

    • Inside Chunk section depth: No.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Article ("Auto-Flow Start Time").

    • Mapped to: Sub-section of parent article.

  • "Safety Precautions" is at level 3.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes

    • Parent fork is mapped to: Navigational Topic ("Air Filtering")

    • Mapped to: Article.

  • "Customer Support" is at level 2.

    • Inside Chunk section depth: Yes.

    • Parent fork is mapped to: No parent (publication is not counted as a parent fork).

    • Has child fork: No.

    • Mapped to: Cannot be mapped as no parent fork and no child fork.

If you publish with a Salesforce Nested Layout, you can change how Paligo maps content to Salesforce Knowledge. For example, you may want to have fewer levels of a publication mapped to Navigational Topics, or perhaps you have articles that are too long and need fewer sub-sections.


You cannot make changes to the mapping with Salesforce Knowledge Layouts.

Before you make any changes, make sure you understand the rules for mapping. When you understand how they work, you can alter the mapping by:

  • Changing the Chunk section depth setting in the Layout

    For details, see Control the Mapping to Navigational Topics.

  • Change the value of the Create article for the section topic setting in the Layout

    For details, see Generate Articles for Navigational Topics.

  • Change the structure of your publication in Paligo.

    If overlong articles are an issue, consider reorganizing your publication so it has a "flatter" structure. Aim to have more topics at the article level, with fewer sub-sections. You should also consider Salesforce's size limits.


If you are going to change your publication's structure, we recommend that you first make a copy of the publication or make a branch of it. This means you can keep the original version for use with other outputs, such as PDF or HTML5. Then you can rearrange the copy or branch to create a version for publishing to Salesforce.