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Create Assignments in Planner

Use the Planner to create assignments for reviews, contributions, translations and translation reviews. Alternatively, Create Assignments in Content Manager.

To create an assignment in the Planner:

  1. Select Planner in the top menu.

  2. Either:

    • Select the Create button and then choose the type of assignment you want to create.

      Create button on the Planner. It has a menu with options for creating different types of assignment.
    • Select the starting date for the assignment directly on the calendar widget.

      The Planner has columns for each day, and the assignments are shown on each row. They stretch from their start date to end date.

      To change the timescale for the assignment on the Planner, drag it to another date on the calendar.

  3. Select an Assignment type:

    • Review_small.png Review is for when you want somebody to proofread the content and add comments.

    • Contribute_small.png Contribution is when you want a colleague to add or improve content.

    • Translate_small.png Translation to create translation jobs and assign them to internal translators.

    • Translation_Review_small.png Translation review to review the translations and accept or reject them.

    Review assignment dialog. It has settings for choosing the content to be reviewed, selecting profiles, choosing the assignees, and setting the timescale. There is also an option to leave a message and check or change the default settings.

    The assignment dialog changes depending on selected assignment type.

  4. Select the content that you want the assignee(s) to work on. Folder_small.jpg

    If the assignment is generated from the content's dotted menu (...), the content is automatically chosen for the assignment. But you can choose different content if you prefer.

  5. Select a language for the assignment. You can only choose one language per assignment.


    For Translation Assignments, choose the language that you want the translator to provide.

  6. Suggestions settings is to control what can be done in a contribution assignment:

    • The checkbox Suggest only:

      • Check the box to restrict the contributors to making suggestions.

      • Clear the box and check Edit and Suggest box to be able to edit the content.

    • The checkbox Edit and Suggest:

      • Check the box to allow contributors to Switch Between the Views to edit and suggest changes.

      • Clear the box and check Suggest only to restrict the contributor from editing the content.

  7. Apply a favorite profile to the publication or topic. Profile_settings_button_small.png


    You only see options here if you have set up favorite profile settings for the document.

  8. In the Assignees section, select one or more users or user groups (or a combination of both) to work on this assignment. My_Profile.jpg

    For user groups, the assignment is allocated to every group member of the selected user group(s).

  9. In the Assignment date section, use the calendars to set the Start date and End date. Calender_small.jpg

  10. Check the box Let me leave a message if you want to enter a message to the assignee(s). A field appears and you can enter your message.

    Clear the box if you don't want to add a message.

  11. Select the Default Settings button (in the lower left corner) to check the Assignment Settings. Cog icon.

  12. Select OK to save any changes to the Default Settings. Close the dialog with the Exit_Topic_ContributorEditor_small.png icon in the upper-right corner.

  13. Select OK to create the assignment.