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Taxonomies Workflow

There are many ways to use taxonomies, but the general workflow for setting them up is the same.

  1. Make sure you are familiar with Working in Taxonomy Manager.

  2. Create Taxonomy Tags.

    This is where you define the structure of the taxonomy tags and how they relate to each other.

    Taxonomy hierarchy shown in the Taxonomy Manager


    You may want to Set Colors for Taxonomy Tags as a visual aid for recognizing the different taxonomy hierarchies.

  3. Associate your taxonomy tags with the appropriate publications, topics, and images.

    This is where you make connections between your taxonomy tags and your content. For example, you could have an "Acme 100" tag for a product name and you would then associate that tag with all of the topics that are about the "Acme 100" product.

    Taxonomy tag dragged from Floating Content Panel onto a topic in the Content Manager.
  4. Define the appropriate settings in the Layout that you use for publishing.

    HTML5 layout. The Classes and attributes section is selected, revealing some of the taxonomy settings, including Output taxonomies.

    This step only applies if you are using taxonomies for features in the output that you publish, such as taxonomy filters and top-navigation.

  5. Publish your content.

    When you have created your taxonomy hierarchy, associated the taxonomy tags with your content, and set up the layout, it is time to publish, see Publish Content.


If you are using taxonomies to categorize your content, Paligo authors can use them to Search with Taxonomy Tags.