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Glossary Title for HTML5 Output

By default, Paligo includes a glossary title for HTML5 outputs, but it is hidden from view. The title varies, depending on how your glossary is set up:

  • If your glossary contains a title element, Paligo includes that title in the HTML5 output

  • If your glossary has no title element, Paligo creates an automatic title for the HTML5 output. The automatic title is called "Glossary" (or a translation of Glossary for other languages).

To display the glossary title in your HTML5 help center, you need to add some custom CSS:

  1. Create or edit an existing custom CSS file and add the following code:

    .glossary .titlepage{
        display: block;

    To learn more about creating custom CSS, see Style with CSS.

  2. Create a Layout. Alternatively, you can Edit a Layout.

  3. Upload your custom CSS to the HTML5 layout.

  4. Select Save.

When you publish to HTML5 using this layout, the glossary title is shown.