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Create an Index Topic


Learn how to create an index in Paligo. The index will contain a list of terms with a reference to the relevant parts of the content.

An index topic is a regular topic where an index element has been added. When you add the index topic to your publication, Paligo will automatically gather all index references from the topics. The index references will be categorized by letter and sorted alphabetically and each has a page reference or a link.

If the publication does not contain any index references, the index will be empty. You need to add index references to your topics before you publish, see Add Index References.

Consider how you want your index to appear in the published output:

  • The index used as a main topic. This is the most common approach for an index.

  • The index used as a subsection inside a main topic (for example References).

A topic with a title set to "Index" and below that, it contains an index element.
A References topic that contains an index. The index has its own title, which is "Index"

To the left - The index as a main topic. To the right - The index as a subsection.


The index element will automatically add a title named Index. This means that if you have a main topic called Index, the subsection will also be called Index. This extra title can be hidden, see Hide Index Title for HTML5 Output or Activate Index Auto-Title for PDF.


To find out more about using the Element Context Menu to add content, see About Authoring

To create an index topic:

  1. Create a new topic.

  2. Position the cursor at a valid position for the index element.

    For example, after the section title, but before the first para element.

    Index topic with cursor positioned below the title but above the first paragraph.
  3. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  4. Enter index and select it in the menu.

  5. Delete the para element that is included by default, if not needed.

  6. Select Save. Save icon.

  7. Add your index topic to your publication, see Add Content to a Publication.

When you publish your publication, Paligo will automatically gather the index references.