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Hide Index Title for HTML5 Output

Your HTML5 output will show your index title by default if your index:

  • Contains a title element

  • Has no title element, but your HTML5 layout is set to generate an index title automatically. The automatic title is called "Index" (or a translation of Index for other languages).

This can mean that your HTML index has two "Index" titles, one for the topic and one for the index element. To hide the title for the index element, use CSS:

  1. Create or edit an existing custom CSS file and add the following code:

    .index .titlepage{
        display: none;

    To learn more about creating custom CSS, see Style with CSS.

  2. Create a Layout. Alternatively, you can Edit a Layout.

  3. Upload your custom CSS to the HTML5 layout.

  4. Select Save.

When you publish to HTML5 using this layout, the index element's title is hidden.


If you want to show the index title again, change the CSS to:

.index .titlepage{
    display: block;