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Create a Quiz Topic

To create a quiz in Paligo, you create a topic and add a role attribute with the value set to: quiz. Then you add a qandaset element to contain the quiz structure.

The qandaset element is a container for all of the questions and answers you include in your quiz. When you add a qandaset, Paligo automatically adds some extra structure for the first question and one potential answer. The structure consists of:

  • qandaentry - Each question has to be inside its own qandaentry element. For example, if you have a quiz with 5 questions, the quiz is represented by the qandaset element and inside that you will have 5 qandaentry elements (1 for each question).

  • question and para - The question element represents a question in the quiz and it has to be inside a qandaentry element. The para inside the question is where you enter the text for the question.

  • answer and para - The answer element represents a possible answer to the question. It has to be inside the same qandaentry element as the question. The para inside the answer is where you enter the text for the answer.

Quiz topic in the Paligo editor. It has a title and a question and answer.
XML tree view of a sample quiz topic. It has section at the top level, then title, then qandaset, then qandaentry, then question, para, answer, and para.

To the left the structure in the Editor. To the right the structure in the XML Tree View.

To create a quiz topic:

  1. Create a Topic.

  2. Select the topic or component in the Content Manager to open it in the Editor.

    Content Manager in Paligo. It shows the Documents section contains an Acme 100 Topics folder. Inside the folder there is a publication and many topics, including "Connect to Network (100).

    Alternatively, you can Create a Topic and edit that.

  3. Select the section element in the Element Structure Menu.

    Close up of Element Structure Menu. It shows the section element is selected and the Go to element option is selected.
  4. Select Go to element.

  5. Add the role attribute in the Element Attributes Panel and set the value to quiz.

    Element attributes panel. The section element is selected and it has been given a role attribute. The value for the role attribute is quiz.
  6. Position the cursor where the quiz is to be inserted.

  7. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  8. Enter qandaset and select it from the menu.

    Quiz topic in the Paligo editor. It has a title and a question and answer.


    You can add extra para elements inside a question or answer to create multi-paragraph questions and answers. Add any extra para elements after the previous para element, inside the question or answer.

    If you have multiple para elements, the first one will be styled like a heading in the output. The other para elements will be styled as regular text.

    You can also insert other content structures inside a question or answer, such as mediaobject for an image and programlisting for code.

  9. Select Save. Save icon.

You now have the basic structure for a quiz, with one question and a single answer. This will be a numerical question and answer unless you add additional answers to turn it into a multiple-choice question / answer.


To learn how to add more questions, see Add More Questions to a Quiz.

We have included Example Quiz Topic that contains multiple questions and answers. You can use this example to see how the question and answers need to be structured in your quiz topic.