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Add More Questions to a Quiz

To add more questions to a quiz topic:

  1. Make sure your topic contains the structure for a quiz (as described in Create a Quiz Topic).

  2. Position the cursor so that it is after the previous qandaentry element but inside the qandaset element.


    If you cannot find the qandaentry element in the element context menu, it is because the cursor is in an incorrect position. Try repositioning the cursor so that the selection point is after the previous qandaentry element but still inside the qandaset element.

    When the cursor is in the correct position, the Element Structure Menu shows section > qandaset. You will then be able to add qandaentry from the element context menu.

  3. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  4. Enter qandaentry and select it from the menu to add another question.

    Paligo editor shows a quiz topic. The cursor is positioned after the previous qandaentry element, but inside the same qandaset element. The context menu shows the user has searched for qandae and is about to add a qandaentry element.

    You have now added the structure for an additional question. By default, the structure contains one answer element. You can add more answer elements to turn it into a multiple-choice question. Alternatively, you can use a single answer for a numerical question.

    Paligo editor showing a topic quiz. There are two question and answer pairs shown in the topic. The topic contains a single qandaset and inside that there are two qandaentry elements - one for each question and answer pair.
  5. Repeat step 2 to 4 for as many questions as you need.

  6. Select Save. Save icon.