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Set Up a Numerical Question / Answer

Numerical question/answers are quiz questions that require the user to enter a number for the answer. There is a question in text and below it, a field for entering the answer.

Example of a numerical quiz question. It has a question in text and a field to enter the answer. The answer is a number.

To set up a numerical answer for a quiz:

  1. Make sure your topic has the qandaset structure that is needed for a quiz (see Create a Quiz Topic). You also need to add the question structure for your numerical question (see Add More Questions to a Quiz).

  2. Enter the body text of the question inside the para that is inside the question element.

    Paligo topic for a quiz. It has a title and a qandaset element. In the element structure menu, it shows the content structure is section followed by qandaset, followed by qandaentry, followed by question, followed by para. The text for the question has been entered into the para.
  3. Enter the correct answer (a number) inside the para element that is inside the answer element.

    Paligo editor showing an example of a quiz topic with a numerical question and answer. There is a question in text and an answer as a number.
  4. Select Save. Save icon.

When you publish your eLearning, Paligo will detect that this is a numerical answer and make it a question with a text-entry field in the output.