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URLs for Salesforce articles

When Paligo publishes to Salesforce Knowledge, it creates new URLs for any new articles. Depending on the settings, it may also update the URLs of articles that it published to Salesforce previously.

The following sections explain why Paligo changes the URLs and how you can control the URL format:

Why has Paligo changed the URLs?

When Paligo publishes to Salesforce Knowledge, it may change the URLs of articles that it published previously. It will only make changes if both of the following apply:

  • Always update URL name field is checked in the Salesforce integration settings

  • You have changed the syntax for the URLs, either in the Salesforce integration settings or in the publishing settings.

    You change the syntax by using the SEO Links, SEO-friendly links, Custom link prefix, or Salesforce link prefix settings.


    SEO links consist of a topic title combined with a topic ID. For example, "replace-the-battery-124".

    This helps to prevent URL conflicts if there are multiple topics with the same title.

To learn about applying the integration settings, see Stage 4: Connect Paligo to Salesforce.

To learn about applying the overrides in the publication settings, see Publish to Salesforce Knowledge.

Set the Salesforce URLs to use UUIDs or Topic Titles

When you publish from Paligo to Salesforce Knowledge, Paligo can generate URLs for the articles. The URLs are based on either the UUID of the topics or the title of the topics, depending on the SEO Links and SEO-friendly links settings:

  • SEO Links

    This is available in the Salesforce integration settings. If checked, Paligo will base URLs on the topic title. If cleared, Paligo will base URLs on the topic UUIDs (unique ID numbers).

    This setting is global. It applies to all topics unless you override it with the SEO-friendly links feature in the publishing settings.

  • SEO-friendly links

    This is available on the Publish Document dialog when you publish a publication. If checked, Paligo will base URLs on the topic title. If cleared, Paligo will base URLs on the topic UUIDs (unique ID numbers).

    This setting only applies to the content you are publishing. It takes priority over the SEO Links in the Salesforce integration settings.

To learn about applying the integration settings, see Stage 4: Connect Paligo to Salesforce.

To learn about applying the overrides in the publication settings, see Publish to Salesforce Knowledge.

Set a Custom Path for the Article URLs in Salesforce

Paligo uses the default path syntax for Salesforce article URLs:<name of article>

But you can customize the path to add one or more directories. For that, use:

  • Custom link prefix

    This is available in the Salesforce integration settings. It tells Paligo to use a custom URL for your articles instead of the standard Salesforce Knowledge URL.

    Custom link prefix is used globally for all articles, unless it is overridden by the Salesforce link prefix in the publishing settings.

  • Salesforce link prefix

    This is available on the Publish Document dialog when you publish a publication. It tells Paligo to use a custom URL for your articles.

    This setting only applies to the content you are publishing. It takes priority over Custom link prefix in the Salesforce integration settings.

To learn about applying the integration settings, see Stage 4: Connect Paligo to Salesforce.

To learn about applying the overrides in the publication settings, see Publish to Salesforce Knowledge.