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Start Working with a Translation Service

At the start of your translation project:

  1. Find out if you need to set up Paligo's translation software integrations. These are needed if your translators are using Phrase or Semantix.

    For instructions on how to set up the integrations, see:


    If your translation service uses Crowdin, the translation process works differently as it does not require translation packages. For details, see Translate with Crowdin.

  2. Provide your translation service with the Translation Software Settings.

  3. Read the Workflow for Translation Services. That explains the process and has links to the various other resources you need, including information on how to:

    If you will need to update and publish the content in the source language while waiting for translations to complete, you will need to branch your content. You can learn about the process for updating content while waiting for translations in Update Content when Translation is Not Finished.