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Translation Software Settings

Your translation provider is responsible for setting up their Translation Memory System (TMS). But they may need some guidance on what settings are appropriate for translating Paligo content.

Here, we provide some information about what settings to use and the intended workflow. We have used an example from the Phrase TMS, but the same approach can be used for others such as TRADOS, MemoQ, Swordfish and so on.

Example 1. XLIFF import settings
XLIFF 1.2 settings for translation software. Import note is checked. Save confirmed segments to TM on import is checked. Segment XLIFF is checked. Interpret linebreak/pagebreak tags is not checked. Preserve whitespaces is not checked. Copy source to empty target if segment is not imported is checked.

These settings (or similar in another TMS) will work for many use cases. Please note that:

  • The XLIFF is segmented according to the TMS rules (usually on sentence level)

  • Linebreaks and whitespaces are ignored

  • Previously translated and approved translations are imported into the translation memory.

Example 2. Status flag rules for import and export
Translation software settings for Import Segment Rules and Export Attributes Mapping

To get the most out of the translation, for example, to skip already translated segments, the TMS should:

  • Import approved as state=final

  • Export confirmed and locked segments as state=final.

  • Have non-locked content set to state=needs-review-translation, unless you do the review and approval process directly in a TMS. This will allow you to give final approval to the translation in Paligo.