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References to Patents

If your bibliography needs to comply with ISO 690 and you need to reference a patent, make sure you include the required elements.


For some elements, you will need to add attributes and values. For instructions on adding these to an element, see Add Attributes.

Required Elements

You must include the following elements:

  • biblioentry with a role attribute. Set the attribute value to patent. This is a wrapper element. Add the other elements for this bibliography entry as children of this biblioentry.

  • country

  • address

  • bibliomisc with a role attribute. Set the attribute value to patenttype.

  • biblioid with a class attribute and an otherclass attribute. Set the class attribute value to other. Set the otherclass attribute value to patentnum.

  • The date on which the patent was published.

Optional Elements

The following elements are optional:

  • The title of the invention.