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References to Parts of a Monograph

If you need your bibliography to comply with ISO 690 and you want to reference part of a monograph (such as a book), add the Required elements.


For some elements, you will need to add attributes and values. For instructions on adding these to an element, see Add Attributes.

Required elements

You must include the following elements:

  • biblioentry element with a role attribute. Set the attribute value to part. This is a wrapper element. All of the other required elements for this bibliography entry must be children of this biblioentry element.

  • bibliomisc element with a role attribute. Set the attribute value to secnum. This is for the section number.

  • bibliomisc element with a role attribute. Set the attribute value to sectitle. This is for the title of the section.

Optional Elements

The following elements are optional:

Example of Part of Monograph Bibliography Entry

The following code shows a valid entry for a reference to part of a monograph (book).


The abbrev element is required by Paligo to match citations in your topics to the appropriate bibliography entry. It is not a requirement for ISO 690.

<biblioentry role="part">
    <orgname>Cosmic Industries</orgname>
    <bibliomisc role="secnum">12</bibliomisc>
    <bibliomisc role="sectitle>Navigating Celestial Trajectories</bibliomisc>
    <title>Advancements in Space Technology</title>
    <editor>Alex Johnson</editor>
        <publishername>General Press</publishername>
    <bibliomisc>Text in English and French</bibliomisc>
    <biblioid class="isbn">0-08-021680-3</biblioid>