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Set Up an ISO 690 Bibliography

The ISO 690 standard defines rules for bibliography entries. It is designed to help make sure bibliography entries are consistent and contain appropriate information. You can set Paligo to publish your bibliographies to meet the ISO 690 standard.


We assume that you have a working knowledge of the ISO 690 standard and have purchased a copy from or a local equivalent. It is beyond the scope of this documentation to explain the standard.

We explain what you need to set up in Paligo and what elements are available for structuring the information needed for ISO 690. For details on the individual elements, refer to the DocBook documentation .

To create an ISO 690 bibliography:

  1. Create a bibliography. You can create one in a dedicated "bibliography" topic or add one to the end of a topic. For instructions, see Create a Bibliography.


    For an ISO 690 bibliography, you will need to create a "raw" bibliography. This means you cannot have any characters or punctuation between the bibliography elements (see Raw and Cooked Bibliography Entries).

  2. When you have created a bibliography, you will need to add your bibliography entries. For ISO 690, you will need to add a variety of bibliography elements and you will also need to give some of them attributes and values. These vary depending on the type of bibliography entry you are making.

    For information on the elements you need to add, see:

    If you need to make references to patent documents, please contact support for help.

  3. Set your Layout to use the ISO 690 bibliography style. With this in place, when you publish, Paligo will create an output that has the various bibliography elements organized into the correct order for ISO 690.


    The published output will have the bibliography entry information in an order that meets the ISO 690 standard. But the elements will remain in their original order when viewed in the Paligo editor. Paligo only changes the order in the published output.

  4. Publish your content using the same Layout you edited in the previous step.


The full name of the standard is ISO Standard 690 - Information and Documentation — Guidelines for bibliographic references and citations to information resources. You can find it at