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References to Articles in a Serial Publication

If your bibliography needs to comply with ISO 690 and reference a specific article in a serial, make sure you include the required elements. (A serial is a publication issued in successive parts, continued indefinitely).


For some elements, you will need to add attributes and values. For instructions on adding these to an element, see Add Attributes.

Required Elements

The following elements are required:

  • biblioentry with role attribute. Set the value of the role attribute to article. This is a wrapper element and all other elements for this bibliography entry should be inside it.

  • biblioset with relation attribute. Set the value of the attribute to article.

  • biblioset with relation attribute. Set the value of the attribute to journal. This is a wrapper element. Add the elements that describe the publication that contains the article inside this biblioset.

    The following elements are required in the journal biblioset:

    • Use this to provide information about the article's page numbers in the journal.

Optional Elements

The following elements are optional:

  • This is the subtitle for the article.

  • Use for the subtitle of the journal that contains the article. This has to be a child of the journal biblioset.

Example Reference to an Article in a Serial

The following code shows the structure of a biblioentry for referencing an article that appears in a journal.

<biblioentry role="article">
    <!-- Contribution information -->
    <biblioset relation="article">
        <title>Data Processing in Orbital Mechanics</title>
        <subtitle>Enhancing Satellite Trajectory Calculations</subtitle>
        <!-- Overall Document Info -->
        <biblioset relation="journal">
            <title>Journal of Space Technology</title>
            <edition>2nd Edition</edition>
                <publishername>SpaceTech Foundation</publishername>
            <volumenum>vol. 3</volumenum>
            <pagenums>p. 155-167</pagenums>
            <date role="cit">June 2023</date>