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Reference with Baseform and Term Name

One way to reference a glossary term that does not match the text in your content is to use the baseform attribute. But this is only suitable if you write and publish your content in a single language.


If you have translations or are going to translate your content, use the xml:id to reference your glossary.

To use the baseform attribute to reference a glossary term that does not match the text in your content:

  1. Open a topic and select the text that you want to reference a glossary term.

  2. Use the Element Context Menu to add the glossterm element.

    To find out more about using the Element Context Menu to add content, see About Authoring.

  3. Select the glossterm element and then use the Element attributes section to add the baseform attribute.

    element attributes section shows glossterm is selected. The baseform attribute has been added.
  4. Set the value of the baseform attribute to the name of the term in the glossary. This has to be an exact match for the term in the glossary.

    The element attributes section shows the glossterm element is selected. It has a baseform attribute and the value for the baseform is Extensible Markup Language
  5. Repeat this process for other references, as needed.

  6. Select Save. Save icon.

When you publish, Paligo will automatically detect the references in your content and will match them to the terms in your glossary.