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Order of Info Elements

By default, Paligo uses a fixed order for the elements in publication topics. When you publish, Paligo will present the elements in this order:

  1. title

  2. subtitle

  3. mediaobject

  4. authorgroup

  5. author - This is added as a child of the authorgroup element.

  6. volumenum

  7. pubdate

  8. edition

  9. abstract

  10. copyright

  11. legalnotice

  12. address

  13. releaseinfo

Any other info elements that you add will appear in the same order that they are shown in the publication topic. Child elements are shown in order after their parent, for example, personname will appear as a child of the author element, so will appear before volumenum.

To change the order for an HTML output, create a custom JavaScript that will move the elements. Then upload the JavaScript file to your HTML layout and publish again (see Upload Customized JavaScript).

For PDF outputs, you can set Paligo to use a free order instead of fixed (see Set the Order of Info Elements). With a free order, the info elements are shown in the same order that they appear in the publication topic .