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Define the "Front Matter"

As a Paligo author, you can edit the publication topic to control what information that appears in the "front matter". To display or edit a publication topic, see Display a Publication Topic and Edit a Publication Topic.

Publication topic. It contains certain info elements by default.

A publication topic has article as the top-level element instead of section. Inside the article element is an info element. The "front matter" elements need to go inside the info element. We use the term "info elements" to describe these elements collectively.

By default, Paligo includes the title, subtitle, mediaobject, volumenum, pubdate, copyright, legalnotice, and abstract elements inside the info element.

You can enter values for these elements, add other info elements, and remove any info elements you do not want to use.


The mediaobject is set to have a role attribute with the value set to titleimage. This role and value is needed to make the image a cover image.

Element attributes side panel shows that the mediaobject element has a role attribute and its value is titleimage.

When you have set up your publication topics, you can use the layouts and CSS to control how Paligo processes them and styles them in the output.

  • For PDF output use the settings in the PDF layout, see Style the Info Elements.

  • For HTML5 output use the settings in the HTML5 layout and CSS. To learn how to view the styles in the HTML, make changes and upload CSS, see Style with CSS.