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Create a Bibliography as a Separate Topic

To create a bibliography topic that you can add to the end of your publication (or elsewhere if you prefer):

  1. Create a new topic, give it a name, and then add it to a publication. For this procedure, we will assume that you named the topic "Bibliography".

    For details, see Create a Topic and Add Content to a Publication.

  2. Save the publication.

  3. In the Content Manager, select your "Bibliography" topic to open it in the editor.

  4. Select a position after the title element but before the first para element (the para element is included in the topic by default).

  5. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  6. Use the element context menu to add the bibliography element.

  7. Build your bibliography structure inside the bibliography element. To build the structure, you will need to use the various bibliography elements, as described in the DocBook 5.2 documentation (see

    We have included an example bibliography at the end of this article. It shows a valid bibliography structure, so you can copy that structure as a starting point.

  8. Select Save. Save icon.

You have now created a bibliography. Over time, you may find that you want to add extra bibliography entries, in which case, edit the bibliography topic and add more biblioentry ("raw") or bibliomixed ("cooked") elements.

Now that you have a bibliography, you can add references (citations) to it from your other topics, see Add a Citation.

Example 1. Bibliography as a separate topic

The following code samples show the underlying structure of a valid bibliography topic. When you are creating your own bibliography, look at the examples to see how the various bibliography elements are used. Some are "parents" and others are "children", for example, author is a parent of personname and personname is a parent of firstname.

Here is an example of a bibliography that uses "raw" entries:

    <title>A Test Bibliography</title>
                        <firstname>Alfred V.</firstname>
                        <firstname>Jeffrey D.</firstname>
                <holder>Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.</holder>
                    <firstname>James T.</firstname>
            <biblioid class="isbn">0-201-10088-6</biblioid>
                <publishername>Addison-Wesley Publishing Company</publishername>
            <title>Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools</title>
                <holder>Product Development International Holding N. V.</holder>
            <biblioid class="isbn">0-88459-021-6</biblioid>
                <publishername>Plenary Publications International, Inc.</publishername>
            <subtitle>Ancient Craft to Modern Sport</subtitle>
            <biblioset relation="journal">
                <title>XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques</title>
                    <publishername>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</publishername>
                <biblioid class="issn">1085-2301</biblioid>
            <biblioset relation="article">
                <title>A Guide to XML</title>
                    <holder>ArborText, Inc.</holder>


The "raw" bibliography does not contain any formatting between the elements.

The next code sample shows the same bibliography, but using cooked entries. Here, there is formatting between the elements, such as commas between the firstname and surname entries, and periods after some surname elements. Paligo will keep this formatting when you publish. Notice how this can result in inconsistent entries.

    <title>A Test Bibliography</title>
                        <firstname>Alfred V.</firstname>,<surname>Aho</surname>.
                        <firstname>Ravi</firstname>, <surname>Sethi</surname>.
                        <firstname>Jeffrey D.</firstname>, <surname>Ullman</surname>.
                <holder>Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.</holder>.
                    <firstname>James T.</firstname>, <surname>DeWolf</surname>.
            <biblioid class="isbn">0-201-10088-6</biblioid>
                <publishername>Addison-Wesley Publishing Company</publishername>.
            <title>Compilers, Principles, Techniques, and Tools</title>
                        <firstname>Andrea</firstname>, <surname>Bahadur</surname>.
                        <firstname>Mark</firstname>, <surname>Shwarek</surname>.
                <year>1974</year> -
                <holder>Product Development International Holding N. V.</holder>
            <biblioid class="isbn">0-88459-021-6</biblioid>
                <publishername>Plenary Publications International, Inc.</publishername>
            <subtitle>Ancient Craft to Modern Sport</subtitle>
            <biblioset relation="journal">
                <title>XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques</title>
                    <publishername>O'Reilly &amp; Associates, Inc.</publishername>
                <biblioid class="issn">1085-2301</biblioid>
                        <firstname>Dan</firstname>, <surname>Connolly</surname>.
            <biblioset relation="article">
                <title>A Guide to XML</title>
                    <holder>ArborText, Inc.</holder>