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Add a Citation


Learn how to add a citation in Paligo. A citation is a reference to an entry in a bibliography.

A citation is a reference to a bibliography entry, such as a book's author, title, and publisher. You can add citations to your topics and when you publish, Paligo will convert them into hyperlinks to the appropriate bibliography entries.


Depending on how bibliographies are set up, the hyperlink could navigate to a dedicated bibliography page or to a bibliography list at the end of the current section.

To learn about setting up these different types of bibliography, see Create a Bibliography.

There are two ways of using citations. You can:

  • Add a citation that uses the same text as an abbrev element in a bibliography entry. The text has to match exactly.

  • Add a citation that uses different text to the bibliography entry.

    For this, you add a citation and then add a cross-reference to a bibliography element's xml:id attribute. The xml:id attribute is on a biblioentry element or a bibliomixed element, depending on whether you use "raw" or "cooked" entries.