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Add a Citation that is Different to a Bibliography Entry

If you want to add a citation that has different text to the bibliography entry, use a citation element and add a cross-reference inside it. The cross-reference needs to be to the xml:id of the relevant biblioentry element.

  1. In the Content Manager, select the topic that will contain the citation.


    This step only applies if you want to add a reference to a bibliography that is in a different topic to the citation. If they are both in the same topic, ignore this step.

    Paligo opens the topic in the editor.

  2. Position the cursor where you want to add the citation.

  3. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  4. Add the citation to the topic.

    You may need to use the search at the top of the menu to locate the citation element.

  5. Add a new para element below the citation and click inside it. You are going to use this para to get the correct link to the bibliography entry.

  6. Select Insert and then Link followed by Cross-reference.

  7. Find your bibliography topic in the New cross-reference dialog.

  8. Expand the bibliography topic so that you can see its elements.

    New cross-reference dialog. It shows the user has browsed to the bibliography topic and expanded it to reveal its elements. Callout arrows point to three different biblioentry elements.


    If you cannot see the biblioentry element for the bibliography element you want to reference, it is because it has no XML:ID. You will need to open the bibliography topic and generate an ID for the biblioentry element. When you have done that, it will be available to use as a cross-reference.

  9. Select the biblioentry element that you want the citation to reference.

    Paligo adds a cross-reference to the bibliography entry.

  10. Click on the link and look at the Element attributes panel. It should show that the link (xref) has an xlink:href attribute and the value of that attribute is the target of the link. Highlight the entire value and copy it to your clipboad (ctrl + C or cmd + C).

    Element attributes panel. The link element is selected. It has an xlink:href attribute and the value is a URL. A callout box highlights the xlink:href attribute and its value.
  11. Click inside the citation element.

  12. In the Element attributes panel, make sure citation is shown as the selected element. Add the the linkend attribute and paste in the value that you copied from the cross-reference.

    Element attributes panel. The citation element is selected. It has a linkend attribute and the value is a URL. A callout box highlights the linkend attribute and its value.
  13. Delete the para that contains the cross-reference.

  14. Select Save. Save icon.

When you publish your content, Paligo turns the citation into a hyperlink to the relevant bibliography entry.


If you publish with a Layout that has bibliography auto-numbering activated, your citation text is replaced with a number in square brackets. The number is a hyperlink to the matching entry in your bibliography.

As the number replaces the citation text, you may want to include a reference to the authors or document in the text before the citation.

To learn how to set up numbered bibliographies, see Bibliography Auto-Numbering.