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Add a Citation with the Same Text as a Bibliography Entry

You can add a citation to a topic and use it to reference a bibliography entry. For the reference to work, you need:

  • A bibliography entry that has an abbrev element in its structure

  • A citation that contains the exact same text as the bibliography entry's abbrev element.


If your bibliography does not have an abbrev element, you can use the element context menu to add one. For details, see Create a Bibliography.

To add a citation that references the abbrev element of a bibliography entry:

  1. In the Content Manager, select the topic that contains your bibliography.

    Paligo opens the topic in the Editor.

  2. Select the bibliography entry that you want to reference and select the text in its abbrev element.

    A partial screenshot of a bibliography topic that is open in the Paligo editor. The abbrev element is highlighted in the Element Structure Menu at the top. A callout arrow points to a highlighted bibliography entry in the topic's body area.
  3. Copy the text inside the abbrev element.


    This may produce unexpected results if the text in your abbrev element contains special characters, such as an ampersand ( & ). If your text has special characters, open the topic in the Source Code Editor instead and copy the text in the abbrev element from there instead.

  4. In the Content Manager, select the topic that will contain the citation.


    This step only applies if you want to add a reference to a bibliography that is in a different topic to the citation. If they are both in the same topic, ignore this step.

    Paligo opens the topic in the editor.

  5. Position the cursor where the citation is to be added.

  6. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  7. Search for the citation element and then add it.

    A screenshot of a paragraph in the Paligo editor. Part way through the paragraph the Element Content Menu is shown. The user has searched for "cita" and as a result, the menu has found the citation element.
  8. Paste the text from the bibliography entry's abbrev element into the citation element. Paligo uses the text to match the citation to the bibliography entry, so make sure that they are identical. Look out for extra spaces or similar characters that might be included in the citation accidentally, as these may stop the reference from working correctly.

    A paragraph that contains a citation. A callout arrow points to the citation.
  9. Select Save. Save icon.


If you publish with a Layout that has bibliography auto-numbering activated, your citation text is replaced with a number in square brackets. The number is a hyperlink to the matching entry in your bibliography.

As the number replaces the citation text, you may want to include a reference to the authors or document in the text before the citation.

To learn how to set up numbered bibliographies, see Bibliography Auto-Numbering.