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Convert Tables to Informal Tables

To convert a table into an informaltable:

  1. Select the topic or component in the Content Manager to open it in the Editor.

    Content Manager in Paligo. It shows the Documents section contains an Acme 100 Topics folder. Inside the folder there is a publication and many topics, including "Connect to Network (100).

    Alternatively, you can Create a Topic and edit that.

  2. Select the table that you want to convert.

  3. Select the caption element in the Element Structure Menu and choose Cut. Split_List_small.png

    Element Structure Menu shows that the caption element is selected. There is a menu and the Cut option is highlighted.

    Paligo removes the title (caption) from the table.

  4. Select Save. Save icon.

When you save the topic, Paligo detects that there is a table with no title (no caption). It then converts the table element into an informaltable element automatically.