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Display Image Details

You can view information about an image by displaying its properties on the Image Details dialog. The details you see there are the settings for the source image, but you can see previews of variant images for different languages too.

To display the Image Details dialog:

  1. To display image details, either:

    • Find the Source Language image in the Media library, select its dotted menu (...) and choose Edit Image.

      Image file selected in the Media library. Its options menu is shown and the Edit image option is being selected.
    • Right-click the source language image inside a topic and select Edit Properties.

    Image details dialog for an image. A preview of the image is shown on the right and the settings for the image are shown on the left.

    Paligo displays the Image details.

  2. Use the Image details dialog to:


To set the width of an image, use the image attributes (see Image Sizing).