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Cooked Bibliography Entries in a List

By default, "cooked" bibliography entries appear with a hanging indent (start indent and text indent) in PDF outputs. If you prefer, you can set them to be displayed as a list with a label and spacing.

Example of a bibliography. It has numbered labels in the left column and the title, author, and other reference information in the right column. A PDF output is shown.

In the image shown, the "cooked" bibliography is set to use numbered entries and also to display as a list. Notice that the numbers are "labels" and there is equal spacing between those and the bibliography entries.


The following instructions only apply to "cooked" bibliographies in PDF outputs.

To learn about "cooked" bibliographies, see Raw and Cooked Bibliography Entries.

To set a "cooked" bibliography to display as a list with labels for PDF:

  1. Select Layout in the top menu.

    Paligo editor. The Layout option in the header menu is highlighted.

    Paligo displays a list of Layouts. The list is empty if there are no custom Layouts in your Paligo instance.

  2. Select the PDF Layout you are going to use for publishing. Alternatively, create a new one (see Create a Layout).

  3. Select General in the sidebar. New_Layout.jpg

  4. Select Glossary, Index, and Bibliography.

  5. Set Display bibliomixed as a list to:

    • Enable if you want the bibliography to be presented as a list with labels and a space between the labels and entries.

    • Disable if you want the bibliography to be presented as a regular list without spacing.

    PDF Layout setting "Display bibliomixed as a list". It is set to Enable.
  6. Use the bibliomixed label separation field to set the amount of space between the labels and the bibliography entries. Enter the value and the units of measurement, for example, 3em.

    PDF Layout setting "bibliomixed label separation". It is set to 3em.
  7. Select Save.

When you use this PDF Layout to publish your content, Paligo will apply the list and label separation settings to your bibliography.

If your labels do not appear as expected, see Troubleshooting Labels for "Cooked" Bibliography Entries

Troubleshooting Labels for "Cooked" Bibliography Entries

If the labels are not displaying as you would expect, it is likely because of how you have set up your bibliography entries and PDF Layout. The label for an entry can come from various sources, but Paligo looks for these in a specific order:

  1. Automatically-generated number.

    If the Layout setting Bibliography Auto numbering is on, Paligo will display a number in square brackets []. This is used as the label.

  2. abbrev element.

    If the first child element of bibliomixed is abbrev, Paligo will use the contents of abbrev as the label.

  3. xreflabel element.

    If the attribute xreflabel is set on the bibliomixed element, Paligo will use the value of xreflabel as the label.

  4. id attribute

    If the attribute id is set on the bibliomixed element, Paligo will use the the value of id as the label.


    Paligo looks for the id attribute, not the xml:id attribute.

  5. If none of the above exist, Paligo will use an empty label.

Using the information above, you can try to fix your labels, either by changing the Layout settings or changing the structure of your bibliography elements (see Create a Bibliography).