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Change Column Width

To adjust the width of each column in a table:

  1. Select the topic or component in the Content Manager to open it in the Editor.

    Content Manager in Paligo. It shows the Documents section contains an Acme 100 Topics folder. Inside the folder there is a publication and many topics, including "Connect to Network (100).

    Alternatively, you can Create a Topic and edit that.

  2. Right-click in the table to display the Table Context Menu.

    Table editing context menu. It has options for accessing the various table editing settings.
  3. Select Edit Table Settings. Cog icon.

    Table settings dialog. It has table width and table columns settings.

    Paligo displays the Table settings dialog.

  4. Use the Table columns (values in %) setting to control each column's width.

    Enter a percentage value for the column width in the top field.


    Note that the total percentage of all columns should equal 100 %.

    For example, if you have a two-column table, you can set each column to any amount, such as 50 and 50 or 20 and 80 as long as the total is 100 %.

  5. Use the Text alignment setting to align the text in each column (optional). For details, see xxxx

  6. Select Apply settings.

  7. Select Save. Save icon.


You can also use the Table settings dialog to Change Table Width.