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To make a text easier for the reader to consume, you can use subsections to divide your content into smaller pieces of information.

Benefits of using subsections:

  • Readers can quickly scan the main title and the subtitles to get a feel for what the page is about.

  • Subsections make the writer focus on the information needed for the subsection rather than the topic as a whole.

  • Smaller sections of content are more visually appealing. A long page of text can be off-putting.

Image of Topic Templates page from the Paligo help. It has a main heading "Topic Templates" followed by some text and then a subheading "Create a Topic Template", which is followed by text and an image.

This example shows the "Topic Templates" page that contains a subsection called "Create a Topic Template".

To learn how to set up and manage the different types of subsection, see: