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Reader-Friendly URLs for Subsections


Reader-friendly URLs for subsections is only supported by HTML5 help centers.

With Paligo's Reader-friendly fragment identifiers (hash links) feature, you can have subsections that use a text URL instead of a unique ID (UUID). The text URLs are easier for people to understand, and so are better for when you need to share links to your HTML pages.

For example, if the UUID is used for creating the URL of a subsection, you get a URL like this:

The URL of a link to a subsection on a page. The subsection part of the URL has a hash tag followed by the UUID, which is the unique ID of the subsection.

Where the link targets the subsection by using the hashtag (#) followed by the UUID of the subsection's section element.

But if you enable the Reader-friendly fragment identifiers feature, the URL will use the text of the title element instead of the UUID, like this:

URL of a link to a subsection on a page. The subsection part of the URL has a hash tag followed by the title of the subsection.


URLs for subsections are also known as "hash links", as there is a hashtag # in the structure of the URL.