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Move Rows with XML Tree View

You can use the XML Tree View to move table rows:

  • To another position in the same table

  • Into a different table inside the topic.


Note that you can only use the XML Tree View to move rows, you cannot move columns or individual cells.

To move a table:

  1. Open a topic in the editor and select the XML Tree View in the side panel.

    XML Tree View. It shows the hierarchical structure of the current topic. There are blue boxes for each of the block elements, organized in a hierarchy.

    The XML Tree View shows the main elements in your topic as blue boxes, arranged in a hierarchy that matches the structure. Any box with a white cross has lower-level content. If you select the white plus icon, the tree expands to show the lower levels.

  2. Expand the tree to locate the table block until you can see the table rows (tr).

    XML tree view of a topic. It shows section at the top level. Second level elements are title, para, and table. Inside the table there is a tbody element. Inside the tbody element there are 5 tr elements, each representing a table row.
  3. Select a table row and drag it to a new location in the XML Tree View.


    Paligo will only let you move it to another valid position, so you can move it to another position in the current table or you can move it into a different table.

  4. Select Save. Save icon.