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Merge Branches

You can merge a branch back into its original source (or any "earlier" branch from the same source. For example, let's say you have a topic about "Temperature Sensors" and you branch it into two different topics. You now have the original "Temperature Sensors" topic and a branched version of it. These branches are completely separate, and you now have the choice to:

  • Let the multiple branches exist concurrently in Paligo as separate, but related, publications or topics

  • Merge the branches into a single publication or topic (the result of a merge is called a "single branch")

  • Merge parts of the branches. The branches will still exist concurrently as separate publications or topics, but some of their content will be merged so that it is identical in all versions. You can choose which parts you want to merge and which parts you want to remain separate.

The process for managing merges is slightly different depending on whether you want to Merge a Topic Branch or Merge a Publication Branch.


Merging branches will not affect any mapping you have in place for publishing to other systems, such as Zendesk and Salesforce. To find out how Paligo manages the ids of the content, see What Happens When You Merge a Branch?.