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Mark Elements as Favorites

If you use certain elements a lot, you can mark them as favorites. Marked favorites get a black star to the right of their name and they will appear in a favorites section at the top of the Element Context Menu above commonly used elements.


To mark elements as your favorites:

  1. Edit a topic and position the cursor at the position where your favorite element could appear.

  2. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  3. Find the element of interest and position the cursor over it to reveal a star icon. Select the star icon to change its status:

    • Set the star to black to add the element to your favorites

    • Set the star to clear to remove the element from your favorites.

    Element context menu showing a search for elements beginning with gui. The guilabel element is selected and it has a black star next to it.
  4. Click outside the Element Context Menu to make it disappear.

  5. Display the Element Context Menu again and the favorites section appears with your choices.

    Element context menu. It has a favorites section at the top containing the guilabel element. Below that, there is a list of commonly used elements. Below that is a list of all the other elements that are valid at this position.


The favorites section can only contain elements that are valid at the position you have selected. You can set up different favorites for different positions in the structure. See the example for details.

Example 1. Different favorites for different structures

Let's say that you are going to use the guilabel element for UI names in your content. As you will be using it a lot, you want to add it to your element context menu favorites. To do that:

  1. Position the cursor inside a para element or any other element where guilabel is valid.

    Topic with a procedure. The cursor is positioned inside the text of a step. A callout arrow points at the position of the cursor.
  2. Display the element context menu.

  3. Search for guilabel.

    The element context menu is displayed. There is a search field at the top and the letters gui are being searched for. A list below shows the elements beginning with gui and guilabel is selected.
  4. Position the cursor on the guilabel option to display its favorites star.

    Element context menu showing a list of search results. The cursor is positioned over the guilabel option, revealing a star icon.
  5. Select the star so that it goes black.

    Element context menu showing a search for elements beginning with gui. The guilabel element is selected and it has a black star next to it.
  6. Close the element context menu and re-open it. Now the guilabel is shown at the top, in your favorites.

    Element context menu. It has a favorites section at the top containing the guilabel element. Below that, there is a list of commonly used elements. Below that is a list of all the other elements that are valid at this position.

You continue to work on your content. Every time you need to use the guilabel, you position the cursor in a valid position, access the element context menu, and select the guilabel from your favorites.

You then select a position between two paragraphs.

Topic in the Paligo editor. The cursor is at a position after a procedure, where a para element is valid. A callout arrow points to the position.

You access the element context menu and guilabel is not shown in your favorites. This is because guilabel is not valid at the selected position.

You decide to add the itemizedlist element as a favorite. The itemizedlist element is valid at the selected position. You access the element context menu, search for itemizedlist and set its favorite star to black.

Element context menu. A user has searched for item. The list shows itemized list as the only result. The itemized list option has a black star icon.

You then close and reopen the element context menu. It now shows the itemized list element in your favorites, as it is valid at the selected position.


You select a word inside a para element and display the element context menu. The guilabel is shown in your favorites, as it is valid at the selected position. The itemizedlist favorite is not shown as it is not valid at the selected position.