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Embed Webpage

By adding the role attribute to an external link and setting the value to external, the webpage appears as an iframe element in your output as below.


Paligo cannot validate external links, therefore it is necessary for you to test and verify that it works.

To embed an external link:

  1. Select the topic or component in the Content Manager to open it in the Editor.

    Content Manager in Paligo. It shows the Documents section contains an Acme 100 Topics folder. Inside the folder there is a publication and many topics, including "Connect to Network (100).

    Alternatively, you can Create a Topic and edit that.

  2. Position the cursor inside a para.

  3. Select the Insert tab in the Toolbar.

  4. Select Link and choose External link. Insert_Link.png

  5. Enter a Link label and Link target.

    Leave the link label field empty to show the URL.

  6. Select Insert.

  7. Select the link element in the Element Structure Menu and choose Go to element.

  8. Add the role attribute in the Element Attributes Panel and set the value to external.

  9. Add the xlink:href attribute and enter the URL as value.

  10. Select Save. Save icon.

  11. Select the Preview tab in the Toolbar.

  12. Publish to HTML5 to test that the embedded page works.