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Comment on a Translation

If you are using the Translation View to review a translation, you can add comments to each paragraph. The comments can be viewed in Paligo's main editor, in review mode, and in the contributor. The translators in your organization can use the comments as feedback and make changes to the translations if needed.

  1. Display the Translation View.

  2. Position the cursor over the paragraph of interest. A pop-up toolbar appears.

    Translation view paragraph is selected revealing a pop-up toolbar.
  3. Select Add a comment. Translation_Comment.jpg

    Translation View shows popup toolbar. A callout arrow points to the comment icon on the toolbar.
  4. Enter your comment in the box.

    Comment dialog for Translation View. There is a box for adding a comment and a save button.
  5. Select Save.


To learn about the other features of the Translation View, see Working in Translation View.