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Author Sharing Content

If you are a Paligo author and you want to share a publication or topic:

  1. Select the Dotted menu (...) for the topic or publication that you want to share in the Content Manager.

  2. Select Share Document. Share_Content.png

  3. Choose the user(s) that you want to share the content with.

    Share topic dialog. It has a receivers field and a message field.
  4. Leave a message to provide the user(s) with more information. (Optional)

  5. Select OK.

    Paligo sends an email to the user(s), inviting to work on the content. The email contains your message and a link to the content. When the user selects the link, the content is opened in Review View or Edit View (using the Contributor Editor. The User Types determine whether the user can review or edit the content.