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Add Multi-Level Numbering

By using the two attributes inheritnum="inherit" and numeration="arabic" on your sublists, you enable multi-level numbering (like 1.1 and 1.1.1) for your PDF output.



Three important things:

  • This feature only works for ordered lists, not procedures. To learn the difference, see Lists and Procedures.

  • The attributes are only added to the sublists, not the main list.

  • You need to preview the topic as PDF to see the correct numbering.

Below, we add two sublists and enable the multi-level numbering for them:

  1. Position the cursor inside the top-level ordered list to add a sublist.

  2. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  3. Select orderedlist from the menu to add a sublist.

  4. Select the ordered list in the Element Structure Menu.

  5. Select Go to element.

  6. Add these attributes in the Element Attributes Panel:

    • inheritnum and set the value to inherit

    • numeration and set the value to arabic

    This will create a second level (1.1) in the ordered list.

  7. Position the cursor inside the second-level sublist.

  8. Repeat step 2 to 6 to add and enable the numbering for a third level (1.1.1) in the ordered list.

  9. Select Save. Save icon.