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Tasks are a more formal structure for step-by-step procedures. They have a title and a procedure by default, and you can also add other task-exclusive elements to them, including:

  • tasksummary

    Use to add a summary of the task, typically before the task's procedure. This gives readers an understanding of what they will achieve.

  • taskprerequisite

    Use to add information about the things that need to be in place before the user starts the procedure. This could involve information about licenses, types of user account, subscription plans, or confirmation that other tasks have already been completed.

  • taskrelated

    Use to add links to related tasks. This is usually added before or after the task's procedure.

Should you use tasks instead of regular procedures? It depends on the structure you want for your step-by-step instructions. If you want your procedures to have a title and any of the other task-related structural elements, use a task. But some people find this to be too structured, and they prefer to have no title and just the list of steps that comes with a regular procedure.


Some of the task elements may require a customization for styling in PDF outputs. For HTML outputs, you can style the elements with CSS (see Style with CSS).

To learn how to add tasks to your topics, see Create a Task.