Wie die Filterung funktioniert
[en] Here is an overview of the decisions you need to make and the tasks you need to complete to set up filtering for your content.
Sie markieren die Inhalte, die Sie filtern möchten. So weiß Paligo, welche Inhalte gefiltert werden können und welche Bedingungen gelten.
Um einen Absatz so zu filtern, dass er nur in einem Benutzerhandbuch für eine Windows-Produktversion erscheint, könnten Sie ein Filterattribut von
(Betriebssystem) und einen Filterwert von Windows festlegen.[en] You can find out about the different types of filter in Attribute filtern.
Die veröffentlichte Ausgabe wird:
[en] There are two ways to apply filters:
Inhalt mit passenden Filterattribut(en) einschließen. Elemente mit demselben Filterwert, den Sie für die Ausgabe ausgewählt haben, werden in die veröffentlichte Ausgabe aufgenommen.
Inhalte mit anderem(n) Filterattribut(en) als ausgewählt ausschließen. Elemente mit anderen Filterwerten als denen, die Sie für die Ausgabe ausgewählt haben, werden in der veröffentlichten Ausgabe ausgeschlossen.
[en] We recommend that you use:
[en] Taxonomy tags for filtering entire topics and subpublications
[en] Filter attributes for filtering block elements inside your topics.
[en] It is possible to only use filter attributes and avoid using taxonomy tags completely. If you choose to do that, be aware that filtering entire topics in this way can be more difficult to manage. With filter attributes, there is no way to apply or edit the filters in bulk —you need to edit each individual topic.
[en] With taxonomy tags, it is easier to manage as you can apply filter tags to topics in bulk.
[en] Create the filter values.
[en] You'll need the filter values for both the filter attributes and taxonomy tags. To create them, you need to add a filter attribute to a topic and then add the values. When you create the values, they are added to the Paligo database. For instructions, see [en] Add the Filter Values.
[en] Create the taxonomy tags for filtering.
[en] If you are going to use taxonomy tags for filtering at the topic level or component level, you need to set up a taxonomy hierarchy.
[en] You need one parent taxonomy tag that has the same name as the filter you want to apply, for example, "market". Nested below that as child tags, you need one tag for each of the filter values.
[en] For instructions on creating taxonomy tags for filtering, see [en] Create Taxonomy Tags for Filters.
[en] Enable taxonomies in the output and choose your filtering strategy.
[en] If you are using taxonomy tags for filtering, there are some actions you need to take in the Layout that you will use for publishing:
[en] You have to enable Output taxonomies.
[en] You can choose the taxonomy filter strategy. This affects how Paligo applies the taxonomy filters when you have multiple levels of taxonomy filter tags.
[en] For instructions, see Taxonomie-Filterstrategie festlegen.
[en] Mark up your content for filtering.
[en] For filter attributes, you need to open the appropriate topic, select the appropriate element and then use the Element attributes panel to add the attribute and value. For instructions, see [en] Apply Filter Attributes.
[en] For filter taxonomy tags, drag the taxonomy tags for the filter values on to the appropriate topics and components. For instructions, see Taxonomie-Tags auf Topics anwenden.
[en] When marking up hierarchical structures, like lists and tables, make sure you understand how filters work with hierarchies. Be aware that if you use filters to exclude a parent element, the child elements are automatically excluded too. For details, see [en] Filters on Hierarchical Structures.
[en] Set up Scoped Filtering, if required.
[en] Scoped filtering is for when you reuse the same topic in different places in the same publication. It allows you to filter the topic differently, depending on where it appears in the publication structure. For instructions on how to set it up, see scoped-Filterung.
[en] Start the publishing process and choose the filters you want to apply.
[en] When you publish, you choose the filtering you want Paligo to apply. This is where you decide what content is going to be included or excluded for a particular output (see Publikationsfilter anwenden.
[en] The steps above provide a summary of how to set up filtering. You can refer back to this summary whenever you need a reminder on how to set up filtering.
[en] Note that if you want to filter by language, the process is different (see Nach Sprache filtern).