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[en] The "scope filter" is not a type of filter, it is a feature that enables the possibility to apply different filters depending on where the content is reused within a publication.

[en] In other words, it enables the filter applied on a "parent" topic to control the information shown in its child topics. This means that when child topics have parts marked with various filter values, they can be reused several times within the same publication and show different information depending on where the topic is positioned in the publication structure.

[en] To achieve scoped filtering you have to:

  • [en] Add Attribute filtern to both parent topics and child topics. The filter on the parent topic controls what parts to show in reused child topics. It matches values on the same profiling attribute (for example os="macos, windows" and os="macos").

    [en] Different values on separate profiling attributes (for example audience="admin" and os="macos") will be matched separately. Scoped Filtering can be used in combination with Taxonomie-Filter.

  • [en] Organize your publication with the child topics as subtopics to the parent topics.

  • scoped-Filterung aktivieren.


[en] Note how scoped filtering displays different content for "Operating system version" and "Supported Browsers".


[en] If your scoped filtering is not working as expected, review how the Attribute filtern are set on different levels. This feature is activated by default, but it could be deactivated for some reason, see scoped-Filterung aktivieren.

[en] If you update the child topic with new filter values, you also need to add these values to a parent topic.

[en] Let's say you want to add a browser for Unix in the example above. You can add a list item with the name for example "Lynx" and set the filter attribute to os="unix".

[en] In the image above, the two parent topics has either os="macos" or os="windows". That means that this new list item will not show if not added to a new parent topic with os="unix" (or no filter) to make it show.


[en] If you publish without the Profiling attributes (filter attributes), the child topics will show all their content.