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Topic Report


How to find the number of used topics in a publication.

To find the number of used topics in a publication can be tricky because of nested topics. The easiest way is to make a debug build and view the topic report.

To generate a topic report:

  1. Select the Dotted menu (...) for the publication you want to check.

  2. Select Publish. Download icon.

  3. Choose your publish settings.

  4. Check the box Make debug build.

  5. Select Publish document.

  6. In the output folder, open the tmp folder.

  7. Locate the HTML file that starts with "topicreport" and then the name of the publication.

  8. Double-click to open the Topic Report file in a browser. You will see something like this:


    The report contains:

    • The total number of topics in the selected publication.

    • The number of unique topics in the selected publication.

    • A list of the topic titles as well as its UUID and Resource ID. If the topic is reused, the topic UUID instead states "(reused)".

    • Buttons Edit and Find to either directly open and edit the topic or to locate it in the Resource View.