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Store Contributor Topics in a Different Location

Contributors can create new topics as part of their work on an assignment. By default, Paligo will store these new topics in a special folder called "Contributions, <name of user>" and this is in the root of the Documents section in the Content Manager. But you can set Paligo to store new contribution topics elsewhere if preferred.

Paligo content manager sidebar shows the Documents section. Inside it, there are special folders named Contributions Frank, Contributions Hank, Contributions Jakob, and Contributions Marek.

To change the location for new contributor topics:

  1. Use one of the two ways to access the Default Settings:

  2. Select the Contributions tab.

    Default settings for assignments. The Contributions assignments tab is selected.
  3. In the Where to save new topics section, use the browse field to choose the folder for new contributor topics. When a contributor creates a new topic, it will be saved in a special folder called "Contributions, <name of user>" and that will be inside your chosen folder.

  4. Select OK to confirm your choices.