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Set an Accordion on a Section Element

If you want a topic to use an accordion wherever that topic appears, give the topic's section element a role attribute with value set to accordion:

  1. In the Content Manager, find the topic (or informal topic) and select it to open it in the editor.

  2. In the Element Structure Menu, select a section element or sidebar element and then select Go to element.



    It is possible to have multiple section elements in a topic. The first (leftmost) section represents the topic as a whole. Any other section elements are for subsections inside the topic. We recommend that you create subsections by inserting a topic as a component inside another topic rather than create a section inside a section.

  3. Select Add attribute in the Element Attributes Panel.

  4. Enter Role and select it from the menu.

  5. Enter accordion as the role attribute value.

  6. Select Save. Save icon.

  7. Select Layout and then select the Layout you are going to use for publishing. Make sure that the Output role attribute as class names setting is enabled (for details, see Enable Output Role Attribute as Class Names). Accordions will not work if this setting is disabled.

When you publish to HTML5 or Zendesk, the section or sidebar will appear as an accordion (when it is a subsection of another topic).


You can style the accordion by using custom CSS.

For example, if you want a background color for the header, create a CSS file (or edit an existing one) and use:

.panel-default > .panel-heading { background-color: #fafafa; padding: 1em; }

You can then upload the CSS to your Layout (see Upload Customized CSS).