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Override Passing Score on Publication Level

On the publication level it is possible to set a basic passing score or to profile it with different minimum scores depending on for example user level, product or market. This can be set when the publication is created or adjusted afterwards.


By including questions for different user levels and profiling them, you will only need one publication.

  1. Select the Dotted Menu (...) for the publication in Content Manager.

  2. Select Edit and choose Open in editor.

    Publication topic. It contains certain info elements by default.

    Paligo opens the publication topic.

  3. Use the keyboard down arrow ⬇️ to position the cursor at the bottom of the article.

  4. Press Alt + Enter ⏎ (Windows) or Command ⌘ + Enter ⏎ (Mac) to display the Element Context Menu.

    Element context menu shows a search field and a list of elements that are valid at the current position.
  5. Enter Remark and select it from the menu.

  6. Enter the minimum passing score in percentage, but exclude the percent sign.

  7. Add the attribute Role in the Element Attributes Panel.

  8. Add the value elearning.min.score.

    This value collects the minimum passing score stated in the Remark element.



    The three following steps shows how to separate different passing scores depending on user level.

    Read more about profiling information, see Filtering / Profiling.

  9. Add the attribute userlevel and select a filtering to a specific group of questions (for example Basic user).

  10. Add an extra remark, below the first one, with a different minimum passing score.

  11. Add the attribute userlevel and select a filtering to a different group of questions (for example Advanced user).

  12. Select Save. Save icon.