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Add an Image Description

Enter a description that will be shown everywhere the image is used and will serve as an alt text. The image description is always in the default language and is not translated.

Aim to provide a text description as if you were explaining it to someone with a visual impairment. Try to include a keyword or synonym for your page. Do not use images for "keyword stuffing".


If an image does not have a description or an alt element, the image title is used instead. By default, the title property is set to the image file name

To add a description that will serve as the image alt text:

  1. Add the image to the topic.

  2. Right-click the image and select Edit properties. Comment_small.png

    Alternatively, find the image in the Media section of the Content Manager, select its dotted menu ( ... ) and choose Edit Image.

    Image details dialog. It provides details about where the image is used, its filename, its taxonomy tags, and its dimensions. There are also settings for setting language variants and an alt text description.

    Paligo displays the Image details.

  3. Enter a Description that will serve as the image alternative text. It will be used wherever that image appears. However, if the image has an alt element in a topic, that will override the description. If it is a figure, the textual content of the figure title element will override the description as well if no alt element content is present.

  4. Select Update description to save the text.