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Activate Languages

To enable or disable a language, it must first be activated to appear in the Languages tab. The instruction below shows how the administrator makes a language available in your Paligo instance.

We strongly recommend that you activate each language dialect because they have different expressions and spelling. For example, if you are going to translate to American English (en-us) and British English (en-gb), you have to activate both dialects as these are two different versions of the same language. Otherwise, you will only have a generic English translation of your content.

Once a language is activated, you need to add it to your publications and topics to be able to use it with your content, see Add a Language to a Publication or Topic


If you have a requirement to use four-letter language codes from your translation provider requires it, you can change the default language code by clicking on the language to edit it, see Create Additional Languages.

For example, you can have a Chinese (simplified) language with ZH-CHS and a Chinese (traditional) with ZH-CHT.

Chinese (simplified) language box has ZH-CHS as the code.
Chinese (traditional) language box has ZH-CHT as the code.
  1. Log in to Paligo via a user account that has administrator permissions.

  2. Select the avatar in the top-right corner. User avatar. It shows the user's image and their name. Next to the name is a downward pointing arrow, which when selected, reveals a menu.

  3. Select Settings from the menu. Cog icon.

  4. Select the Languages tab. Translate_small.png


    The languages tab shows all of the languages that are currently activated for your instance.

  5. Select Activate language in the upper right corner. New_Layout.jpg

  6. Select the language from the list (or type the characters in the search).

    If you do find the language or dialect that you want to activate, you can create it, see Create Additional Languages.

    Search field for searching for a language.
  7. Select Activate to add it to the Languages tab.


To be able to use the new language, see Enable or Disable a Language and Add a Language to a Publication or Topic.